The Exigent Duality
Don't Be a Dufus - 06:52 CST, 2/15/22 (Sniper)
This is an excellent retrospective regarding the WuFlu. I mentioned to someone recently that all the way back in March of 2020, it was already obvious that the whole thing was a con. "Nah, no way! We didn't know that back then." Well, thanks to this blog, I keep receipts.

Here I am on February 5, 2020, citing speculation that Tencent accidentally revealed mass casualty at the hands of the virus, in China. The data was unclear as of that date, and the truth could have been in either direction. But by March 27, 2020, I was so confident in the data having revealed that the whole thing was a fraud that I penned this, wherein I marveled at how disproportionately bent out of shape people were getting in their fear over what was no big deal.

Seven days before that-- on March 20, 2020-- I wrote here about how the trade-off in civil liberties was not even close to warranted given the threat of the virus. And the day before that I wrote about how the Fed showering trillions was bad, and very shortly therafter-- March 25-- I called out that this inflation of the money supply would raise prices. Boy did I get that one right. Boy did I get all of this right. Not because I'm smart-- but simply because I impartially pay attention to what's occurring.

Fast forward all the way to July 23, 2020 and Minnesota's low-IQ governor, Dim Tim Walz, mandated "face coverings", something which I eviscerated in this post, citing lots of statistics. It was totally nonsensical. Even if the WuFlu had been dangerous, and even if this "mandate" would have helped things (i.e. duct taping a bandanna to your face would stop airborne aerosol particles), late July would have been hilariously too late to accomplish anything.

Some people I've talked to recently have said that it's better to just be an ostrich with politics: "You can't control it anyway!" My riposte is that, "Yes, but then you walked around with a stupid looking diaper on your face for two years, didn't you? And then you got a heart tissue-destroying fluid injected into your veins, while simultaneously ceding your civil liberties, some of them forever. And then you caught the virus anyway!" That's what the ostrich approach gets you.

It doesn't make sense to worry about politics. But it does make sense to follow what's going on. In a "normal" world maybe one could vote in a politician, delegate some responsibility to them, and trust them to more or less do the right thing. But we are not in "normal" times. These people are authoritarian dictators: serial liars who will do whatever it takes, no matter how short-sighted or unscrupulous, to obtain and retain power. You absolutely need to day-to-day follow events in this crazy era.