The Exigent Duality
Multiple Americas - 07:39 CST, 1/08/21 (Sniper)
Eric Peters makes the cut, and even has a hilarious article for everyone regarding that silly Mustang E Mach bucket of bolts I wrote about here a little over a year ago, making more or less the same points I did. Peter Schiff gets the passing grade as well. JP Sears too.

But back to the issue at hand: I've barely slept each of the past two nights-- not because of anything the Left has done; Commies are gonna' Commie, I'm at peace with that-- but because of how the Republicans have reacted!

I quite literally can't tell the difference between Donald Trump and Little Girl Sniffer-in-Chief: "let's have peace and reconciliation guys!" Meanwhile you have others like Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell getting one thousand times more upset that someone sat in their chairs at the capitol building than they did at an entire national election getting rigged.

In fact, I struggle to find almost anyone "in power" who is getting it right! The fake consensus forming group think is as strong with this one as it is with the WuFlu nonsense, the George Floyd heart attack, the acceptance of Keynesianism, and a countless myriad of other totally unfounded and illogical assumptions taken for granted.

I have a friend who has just recently started reading this blog, plus undoubtedly other new readers, as my audience seems to be expanding little-by-little. For their benefit, let me repeat something I've said many times before: Democrats didn't used to be bad people.

Growing up, I was best friends with the son of a man who held a major political office in Minnesota. I spent many a summer weekend hanging out at their house, even tagging along with them up to their cabin a couple of times. Heck, I even hung out at the campaign office when my friend's dad ran for mayor once. My own father-- a staunch Republican!-- volunteered with the campaign to do their IT work. My dad and my friend's dad used to debate politics: you know what they argued about? What percent the tax rate should be.

That was it. The ideological divide between the average Democrat and the average Republican was like splitting hairs.

Back then-- we're talking the 1990s, not that long ago-- pretty much everyone shared the same values: free market economies by-and-large, free speech, free press, freedom of religion, the right to bear arms-- yes, my hardcore Democrat friend supported firearm ownership-- and treating everyone like the unique individuals they are.

Today, the Democrats don't believe in any of those things!

They believe that the color of your skin or your sex determines your worth as an individual; they believe that people should only be able to speak their minds if it's an approved message; they believe that words justify physical assault, and will burn down your business and ruin your reputation if you hurt their feelings somehow; they believe in a global, top-down takeover of the entire economy, because Earth's temperature has gone up a fraction of one degree Celsius; they support foisting government-mandated burqa outfits and vaccinations on everyone for a virus with a 99.9% survival rate; they believe that men and women are biologically the same.

These people are nuts! They've adopted crackpot intellectual theories from 1920's Europe, and actually think those theories are true!

And I'm not just talking about the fringe Left: these are mainstream views of every day, run-of-the-mill Democrats-- my co-workers, even people I get into conversations with on the street. It shows up in polls; it shows up in HR policies at work; it shows up in yard signs; it shows up in the city council members who get voted in; it shows up in the DNC convention as their national platform planks.

Long gone are the days of the 1990s: I can't even have a rational conversation with the average Democrat anymore! It's like we're from different planets! We're so far apart that it's impossible to even find common ground: in part because our values are literally incompatible-- I'm sorry, but no "percentage" of racist hiring policies are "ok"-- but also because every time I try to have a rational conversation with them, I get emotionally blackmailed by getting screamed at, like a little toddler throwing a temper tantrum!

One can only get called a "white supremacist" by quoting Martin Luther King Jr.-- for real!-- so many times before one throws up his hands.

Vertically split, there are now two parallel Americas: the Conservative one, and the "Liberal"-- anti-liberal theocratic-- one. But it gets even worse, because America is split horizontally too.

On the "bottom" are working class Americans: the farmers, the guys and gals running their own paving companies or housing construction businesses, the people running their own restaurants-- plus the urban low-income Lefties, like "GrubHub" drivers, waitresses at pretentious restaurants, or childless single women cat-owning baristas at "Starbucks".

On the "top" are the politicians and everyone in their circle: the media "personality" talking heads, the "news" reporters, the military contractors, the "think tank" members, the crackpot "thought leader" editorial writers, the people running the various cartels like "healthcare" and "education", the CEOs of multi-billion dollar corporations, and on and on.

Listen again to how the media reported the events from a couple of days ago, and pay close attention to what they're actually upset about: to them, the concept of a plebe getting to walk freely around in what, to the people "on top", is essentially a sacred building, is beyond the pale-- they're breathless and sputtering, gasping like a fish out of water, just trying to process what they're seeing. What they see is pure and utter blasphemy!

That building is for the King and Queen and their court! Not body odor-wafting peasant farmers! Get on your knees! Kiss the sceptre!

They not only didn't care about the Black Lives Matter domestic terrorists burning down businesses, but actively cheered it, because it was not only ideologically supporting their paths to power, but because it was "plebe-on-plebe" action: it was compatible with their internal world view hierarchy model: there is no sacrilege when a black serf burns down another black serf's hair salon. Let them eat cake!

They have no problem telling coal miners to "learn to code", yet explode like raging volcanoes when people suggested the same thing to laid off journalists. How dare someone suggest that they should move "down the totem pole" and become some kind of programmer serf-- how dare they! It's like that Fox News lady: utterly incredulous that someone would question her authoritah.

Stepping back then, America is split into quadrants: an elite ruling class on top, the plebes at the bottom, with a vertical line separating the Conservative and Liberal serfs, and also separating the Republican and Democrat elites at the top, but whose ties at this moment as elites are much stronger than their separation into partisan camps.

Back to the "bottom": the Conservative quadrant totally get what's going on; those were the people in DC two days ago, or the seventy five million strong who voted for Trump. The "Liberal" quadrant are so dumbed down that they not only don't understand what's going on, but actively endorse it! They're like pathetic little kapos and Karens, policing their own fellow plebes.

Meanwhile, within the "elite Republican" quadrant, you've got a little subdivision of politicians who actually empathize with the plebes, and are willing to stand up to do the right thing.

And it's not enough-- yet, at least. One can only hope-- pray even-- that the numbers in that latter-most segment grow. Otherwise it's "run for the hills" time for the plebes. Or "brush up on your Mandarin" and "start learning how to forge watermarked vaccination certificates" time.