The Exigent Duality
Life Path - 09:50 CST, 12/29/20 (Sniper)
Five years ago, I wrote this post, documenting a bit of the nonsense my brother was going through at the time in high school. Any of that sound familiar here? In fact, this particular case is a perfect example of how the "Cultural Marxism" model collapses immediately: the student in question is "half white, half black."

Interestingly, this Frankfurt School virus isn't just limited to schools anymore: I've been pushing back on this exact same ideology in my workplace, where both the head HR and the CEO positions have been "captured" by radical Leftists, and where the heads of departments openly declare that they don't want to hire or promote white males.

Lots of people have been wondering why young people in this country have recently been so susceptible to crackpot theories, which were once rightly relegated to the corners where Cheeto-filled beard crazies hung out. Those asking this question haven't put themselves into "Millennial" and "Gen Z" shoes-- shoes which have been subjected to some or all of the below:

  • Raised from birth in atheistic secular homes, in so-called "gender neutral" settings, by parents who often have hedonistic tendencies. Often, especially in the case of blacks, have no father figure in the household.

  • Told relentlessly from children's books and television shows from as young as one year old that property is collective: "share, share, share!"

  • As early as pre-school, explained to by "caretakers" that everyone is a special snowflake who deserves a medal for participating.

  • Starting in Kindergarten and all the way through the end of high school, relentlessly "taught" the noble savage myth, double standards like Hitler was bad but Mao was misunderstood, that "capitalism" simply resulted in kids chained to machines, and that "white invaders" were the epitome of evil.

  • Instructed non-stop for entire childhoods-- parents, teachers, "guidance" counselors-- that the only way to be successful is to go to college, and that it is a guaranteed entry into the middle class and beyond.

  • In high school and college, told that religion is bad, men can have periods, "race" and "sex" are false constructs, yet simultaneously that a person's value as a human being depends on their racial, religious, or sexual group memberships.

  • Unlike when I was a teenager, very few young people today have jobs. So, they sit at home playing video games and smoking pot.

  • Thus, it isn't until age twenty two that the person finally enters the real world: they graduate from college with degrees in underwater basket weaving, then find that they are only able to get jobs making ten dollars an hour-- while trying to pay back the tens of thousands of dollars they were fleeced by the university meat grinder, for having provided a "service" with a lousy ROI.

  • Meanwhile, they were never taught how to make a basic budget, how interest rates on loans work, the subjective value theory, how supply and demand sets prices, and other real world knowledge.

  • They rapidly find that in the workplace, real production needs to happen, which means it's meritocratic: in fact, they aren't a special snowflake-- they are a person with few practical real-world skills.

  • Rather than point the finger at the teachers, parents, school counsellors, and mass-media who perpetrated this two-plus decades fraud against them, they double down on the other things these same people taught: crackpot Marxist "labor theory of value" concepts, and how they are being abused by the "patriarchy" which is why life is so hard.

  • With no religion, and having been "taught" that all social glue norms, mores, and institutions are evil, this lack of cultural structure leads to intense atomization, which in turn leads to an inability to cope with stress. Feeling a need to belong to something bigger than themselves, they become radicalized, putting "BLM" and rainbow signs in their front yards-- if they can afford a living above of their own in the first place. They further take over schools and HR departments, spread this diseased thinking to even more people.

This is why the Left puts so much energy into maintaining such an aura around and the careful and highly selective curation of "experts": if young people started to ask, "hold on a second, maybe the 'authorities' in my life have had it wrong"...