The Exigent Duality
Who Makes the Cut - 08:14 CST, 1/07/21 (Sniper)
I should have gone to this, it's such an important statement to make, in my words:

"This chamber of congress? This chair here? This table? Pelosi's office? These are all mine: you are my employee-- you serve me. Any 'powers' you think you might have were delegated by me, and I can take them away whenever I feel like it. I'm just here to kick my feet up on my desk and relax for a few minutes, before I head on my merry way. You might feel safe and cozy in your DC bubble, but just remember: I'm feet outside this building, at all times: I got in today, I can get in again. Don't forget next time who is the boss, and who is the servant."

Instead, we have essentially every Republican politician throwing their own constituents under the bus, "condemning the 'violence'"-- yeah, people milling around the hallways, hanging Trump flags from statues, in their own building, paid for with their own tax money. That's a mighty strange perversion of the word "violence" if I've ever heard one.

And here is the final list of who we can trust, and who we can't-- when push came to shove, who still stood up, and who rolled over like a coward: I see people like Rand Paul sharing the "coward" list with such luminaries as Mitt Romney, Bernie Sanders, and Marco Rubio, and Amy Klobuchar. I hope he's very proud of himself. Time to jettison him overboard.

Take a long hard look at the "good" list though: I see a lot of great names there, like Ted Cruz, Rick Scott, Matt Gaetz, Paul Gosar, and Jim Jordan. It's always fascinating to see, in the moments when things actually matter, who makes the cut and who doesn't. Now we know.

You know who else didn't make the cut? Donald Trump. Some revolutionary leader he is: all talk and no action. He called in the National Guard on his own people, and is rolling over on January 20. "Go home peacefully." In other words, it was all theater.

But let's end on a little comedic note, to lighten the mood: apparently Little Miss Ballot Harvester herself, Ilhan Omar, is suddenly "very concerned" about "preserving our Republic". Go see for yourself!