The Exigent Duality
Clot Shots and Parades - 07:13 CST, 11/22/21 (Sniper)
Turns out the guy who ran his SUV through the parade in Wisconsin was a militant black supremacist, black nationalist "BLM" supporter. But I thought white supremacists-- you know, all four of them-- were the threat? I wonder if it was in retaliation to the Rittenhouse verdict?

Speaking of which, I had been fervently praying for Kyle every night during the trial. I nearly shed tears watching his reaction to the verdicts being read. The woman behind him-- sister? not certain-- also choked me up.

But back to the topic at hand, this parade terrorist attack is why I got out of dodge and moved my family to a rural area. I knew that all of the yard signs had real-world consequences. When people start to normalize this kind of iconography, a small percentage of them will put the rhetoric into action.

That city, by the way, was Robbinsale, Minnesota. I've been meaning to "dox" that stupid place since I am long-since out of there, and thank God for that. The place went from a sleepy, quaint, quiet, retired blue collar neighborhood to the place you see in the yard signs. There were multiple drive-by shootings feet away from my home. I was getting accosted by drug addicts on my walks. Everyone walking around started to look like this:

That second picture in the montage is the company that made the hilariously broken "GTA" remake incidentally. You can't make this stuff up. I wonder why the development was incompetent?

Changing gears, here is some WuFlu clot shot humor for you. A friend sent this to me. The "today" in the second post was from Friday morning. I got a good laugh out of it.

My thinking:

Jokes aside, I pray for these people to see the light one day, and how they've been manipulated. I also pray for them to stay healthy. No one knows what this will do to their bodies, long-term. I've seen some doctors speculate that a mass-fatality event could come of this over the next several years, via phenomena summarized in this image. Please don't let that be true.

In the short-run, the "ADE" thing is very evident in my co-workers, all of whom have been very vocal about having got the clot shots. They are the sickliest group of people I've ever encountered. I like my co-workers. I wish the best for them.

But on to happier things: this is "day one" of my week-long Thanksgiving vacation. I have a fun slate of things lined up for this week, including working through a Catechism study guide with my kids, attending Thanksgiving Mass on Wednesday evening with my wife and kids, watching the rapidly-finishing work on the house addition, and of course playing some video games.

Life is good. God is good!