The Exigent Duality
Nick Fuentes, An Analysis - 17:22 CST, 11/29/22 (Sniper)
You would think the Globohomo Establishment-- one hundred percent of Democrats, and probably fifty percent of Republicans-- would know by now not to draw attention to people they don't like, because it simply serves as free publicity. Also, for keen observers like myself, their outrage is a convenient way of telling us who is worth listening to: they are great contrarian indicators. After all, if someone wasn't onto an uncomfortable truth, why would the Globohomos be so upset in the first place?

The latest example of these phenomena involve some guy named "Nick Fuentes". I'd seen his name a couple of times, but never bothered to look him up-- until The Establishment started going bonkers over him throughout the past couple of days. The best place to investigate people like him is Wikipedia: how Wikipedia works is, Globohomo propaganda writers-- oftentimes Jewish, incidentally-- in the media write outlandish, one hundred percent ad hominem hit pieces about someone, whereafter the neckbeared pedos who edit Wikipedia cite those articles written by their buddies as "sources". Thus, Wikipedia is the best way to get the circular, re-inforced "worst case view according to the Globohomos" perspective about someone.

As a general rule of thumb, the worse a Wikipedia article is about someone, the better the person probably is. With that preface out of the way, let's examine the straw-manned, ad hominem-laced Wikipedia take on the political views of this "Nuck Fuentes" fellow:

  • Antisemitism and Holocaust denial: I have a blog post of my own here regarding Hitler, the "Holocaust", and World War II. I won't recount that whole discourse, you can read it yourself. But applicable specifically to this Fuentes guy, the evidence suggests that the delousing chambers were exactly that: delousing chambers. It's also perfectly rational to point out that Jews are a tiny percentage of the population, yet control most of the world's institutions. It's like that Dave Chappelle joke: "If they're black it's a gang, if they're Italian it's a mob, but if they're Jewish it's a coincidence... and you should neeever speak about it."

    Even if you disagree and think Israel is the world's greatest country, and that Hitler was personally shoving bamboo shoots under orphans' fingernails before tossing them into ovens, the "other side" has a perfectly coherent viewpoint, and the only reason someone would not want to debate it openly is if they view it as a threat to their power.

  • Anti-Americanism: This criticism is a laugh considering the Globohomos hate America's holidays, rituals, religions, traditions, symbols, famous figures, and history. But taking it at face value, Fuentes is right: there is a perfectly rational case to be made that America is the bad guy, and that Putin was justified in invading Ukraine, having been deliberately shoved into a corner with no other route to secure the future of his people.

  • Catholic integralism and Christian nationalism: Let's just call this a wish for self-determination, something that all people want. The Globohomos have no problem promoting Black Nationalism within the country, they have no problem with Israel being a Jewish theocracy, they have no problem with the Woke Mob wanting to form their own cultish theocracy across the US and Europe, they promote Muslim "no go zones" in Europe-- it's only when white Christians want their own space or express in-group preferences that it becomes a problem.

    And it's a problem for the reasons this Fuentes dude states: when white Europeans band together, they are an unstoppable force. Historically they invented practically everything worth inventing, they created great ships and traveled around the world, they promoted philosophy and rational thought, they created the most beautiful works of art ever seen, they made the best music ever heard, and on and on. The worst case scenario for the Globohomos is that white European-stock people express the same in-group preferences which are acceptable for every other racial set.

    It's a huge threat to their power. This is why they are full-bore doing their "erase whitey" schtick in media and advertising, why they are rigging "elections", why they are trying to ban "assault" weapons (i.e. hunting rifles, which basically only white people own), why they want to dilute the white population with open borders, and so forth.

  • COVID-19: This is the ultimate idiot test of my lifetime-- and this fellow has it one hundred percent correct. The WuFlu Scamdemic was classic "never let a crisis go to waste" authoritarian power mongering. There never was a "pandemic". It was a farce: a fraud.

  • LGBT Issues: He's got this one correct too: God tells is exactly what men and women are, and what their purposes are. Homosexuality and so-called "transgenderism" are the very definition of deviancy from God's plan.

  • White supremacy: This is one of those meaningless, idiotic ad homimens. This dude argues that America's core is white and Christian-- and he's correct: go read the Declaration of Independence. Listen to the speeches of the founding fathers. Look at the values enshrined in the Bill of Rights: they are all based on white European-derived legal principles and philosophy.

  • Women: Men are net tax positive, women are net tax negative. As soon as women got the right to vote, the State apparatus and government spending exploded. That said, I know just as many ignoramus men as women: my preference would be to tie the privilege of voting to something other than sex. Maybe property owners again, or net tax payers-- people with skin in the game. But there is a conversation to be had there, nonetheless.
    Regarding the so-called "incel" movement, this is the only real point where I don't see from where he's coming: according to the Catholic Catechism, we should be getting married and having lots of babies. How is avoiding women compatible with his Catholic Nationalist views?

Don't take this post as some kind of full-throated backing of this guy-- I'd only ever essentially heard of him a couple of days ago. Interestingly, my wife has known of him for some time, and thinks he's controlled opposition. That may very well be true. Either way I find The Establishment's hysterical reaction to what seem to be pretty rational views quite entertaining.