The Exigent Duality
American End Times - 05:34 CST, 3/24/22 (Sniper)
This was extremely difficult to read. Look at the picture of him from 1989, then juxtapose that with what they did to him. His crime was having taken a selfie. It's just like I wrote here. It took this patriot an experience like what he had, to make the realization:

"I love our country. I can't see how this is happening here. This is, this is Nazi Germany in the 30s. This is Josef Stalin. This is Venezuela. This is Cuba. You know, in a way, it's a little bit like the way Ferdinand Marcos operated in the Philippines. This is Pol Pot. It's absolute evil. There was evil all around me."

America is the country that the establishment is telling you other countries are. The sooner we come to grips with this fact, the sooner we can course correct.