The Exigent Duality
Cold Shoulder - 08:08 CST, 2/18/21 (Sniper)
Most people in the world seemed to agree that the involuntary and cruel experiments done by World War II powers like Nazi Germany were wrong, hence the Nuremberg Trials and the formation of "informed consent" as a principle-- so why then is it that the Jews run the first country foisting these experimental and veritably untested "vaccines" on their populace?

"More Nazi than the Nazis", as one article commenter puts it.

On another crazy note: my mother runs her own house cleaning business, and her clientelle are what conservative Minnesotans refer to as "Wayzata Liberals"-- sort of the coloquialized version of "Limousine Liberals": same meaning. They are neurosurgeon imports from India, or Wall Street brokers who work remotely, and they drive eighty thousand dollar cars, out of their six thousand square foot mansions.

And they never hesitate to lecture other people about carbon dioxide "emissions" or so-called "racial equity", despite having three "carbon"-based furnaces and not having a single black person living within a ten mile radius of their house.

One of my mother's clients happens to be a senior executive at a multi-billion dollar international comglomerate, making probably a seven-figure income if one includes stock options. This particular client found out that my mother voted for Donald Trump, and as is characteristic of these Leftists, can not let it go, to the point where they quite literally won't reply to my mother, even when spoken to. During the "impeachment" farce, they were following my mother around the house, turning every TV-- yes, they own a zillion of them, "carbon dioxide emissions" be damned-- on to CNN, blaring the volume.

Beyond the obvious, this reminded me of the video "Vee" did recently regarding Davos: it's well worth a listen. Leftists like the aforedescribed client of my mother's go on and on about how much they "love Democracy"-- until their house cleaner votes the "wrong way", then it's "our Democracy is under attack!"

And now, for the punch line: this individual is an executive at my employer.

Long-time readers will remember that my employer goes on and on about "diversity" and "inclusivity" and "unity" and "we're all in this together", yet in the very next breath says that one is only allowed to speak in praise of so-called "Black Lives Matter", in support of so-called "climate change" policies, and to wear clothes supporting these and other initiatives, like gay marriage, or pro-"abortion" stances-- while criticizing those "policies" will result in chastisement and very possibly a firing.

So much for unity! Hilariously and over time, I've been flagging "block sender" on all of the company's execs, starting with the Left-of-Bernie CEO, so all of their internal memos get sent straight to my Outlook "junk" folder.

All of this brings me to the key point: freedom isn't for people who comply-- those people are complying anyway! Rather, freedom is a measure of how people who politely say "thanks, but no thanks" are treated in society.

In this country formerly known as "America", dissidents-- conscientious objectors-- are one inch away from being treated as terrorists.