The Exigent Duality
The Horrifying Horrific Horrors - 17:51 CST, 1/09/21 (Sniper)
This is exactly what I was writing about here. But you know what, I was wrong: the elites were right to be indignant that the plebes got in and sat in their chairs-- just listen to these heinous crimes, I bolded the especially horrifying parts. This was a coup! A coup! Right here in America!

"It is alleged that on Jan. 6, 2021, Johnson illegally entered the United States Capitol and removed the Speaker of the House’s lectern from where it had been stored on the House side of the Capitol building. A search of open sources led law enforcement to Johnson, who is allegedly seen in a widely circulated photo inside the Capitol carrying the lectern."

He moved a piece of furniture, he's like... like... Charles Manson! And if that's not bad enough, listen to this domestic terrorism!

"It is alleged that Chansley was identified as the man seen in media coverage who entered the Capitol building dressed in horns, a bearskin headdress, red, white, and blue face paint, shirtless, and tan pants. This individual carried a spear, approximately 6 feet in length, with an American flag tied just below the blade."

A-hah, now we have the smoking gun weapon, which was to be used to carry out the coup! I bet this spear would have gone right up Skeletor's ass had the brave officers and security guards, like the one who shot the unarmed woman in the neck, not been there to evacuate the Holy Priestly Order of Congress, Saint Greta bless their souls! Amen and awomen!