The Exigent Duality
Republic Circle of Life - 12:58 CST, 11/07/20 (Sniper)
They haven't even obtained power yet, and they are already starting the purges! That didn't take long!

I signed up for their mailing list, but what I'm really looking for is a form where I can submit myself for punishment. Where is it? How do I volunteer to go on the list? Why do they make it so difficult to sign up?

I've already been the target of threats and cancel culture: I'm not afraid of anyone-- go ahead and put me and all the other Trump voters in the country on any list you want. There are seventy million of us strong, with even household names like Mark Levin and Newt Gingrich behind us.

I like how the media is now coronating Biden as the new King, as if he actually won the election. Hah! Not until every single one of these questions, and others, are answered. If the investigations are done fairly and the result stands, then I will support it-- but not before.

My worry is that the Trump movement will take the form of "well let's just vote in our guy next time"-- right after we just established that there is no longer a functioning election system! What idiocy!

This isn't a "we'll get 'em next time, slugger!" situation: if this election isn't resolved in a totally transparent, fair manner, then America is over. There is no such thing as a Representative Republic, without a functioning election system, by definition.

The next step is secession: it's starting to look inevitable, and if so it can't be delayed any longer, or it'll be too late: the literal purges will have already begun, the military will be lost, and the window will be closed forever.