The Exigent Duality
Rushmore - 07:21 CST, 7/04/20 (Sniper)
Start listening to the President Trump Mount Rushmore speech at this point. As always, it's incredible hearing someone in such an influential position be so red pilled: he "gets it".

By contrast, can you imagine what this speech would have sounded like had Hitlery given it? She'd have encouraged the violence: "some good things about America, but mostly bad-- we have a duty to re-create the country for 'social justice'", blah blah.

Trump calls out "cancel culture" by name, using that term; he describes the current (bowel) movement as "far-Left Fascism"-- yes, the Left are the Fascists; and he also recognized that this cult is a religion, with rituals, mantras, and commandments.

Regarding his comments about indoctrination in schools, wifey and I were just having that conversation the other day: "if the mainstream culture is so Bozo the Clown, what in the world do you think they will be telling school kids this upcoming school year? The depth of the programming and ranting 'teachers' will be breathtaking." Thank goodness for home schooling.

Unfortunately, that's more or less where President Trump stopped, the rest of the speech being a somewhat lethargically-delivered history lesson, along with generic platitudes. I would have rather that he actually call out Cultural Marxism by name, and explain how crazy it is. But I'll take the small victories where I can get them.

Oh, and about the monument defacers he had arrested: I hope he provided some playpens and coloring books for them in prison!