The Exigent Duality
Skatey-Cat Publicity - 07:29 CST, 2/12/20 (Sniper)
I just got a tip on the forum that the FUZE Arena guys covered "Skatey-Cat", and sure enough!

It was fantastic to hear that they recognized and appreciated that I was doing chip music for the soundtrack-- it was one of my technical innovations, even if the code was partly lifted from their tutorial, which I'd used as a starting point.

They also enjoyed the innovative control scheme, and said that the game had "so much character" overall, which is something I really wanted to emphasize, since personality is so lacking in modern games in general. Additionally, they praised the fact that my kids contributed much of the art work.

My next task with that project is to do some refactoring. After that, I want to add a third-person pseudo-3d shop sequence every few stages similar to my "game jam" entry, which will bridge the transition between "worlds". Once that's done, it'll be time to create snow-themed art and music for "world two".