The Exigent Duality
The Real Victim - 15:32 CST, 11/15/19 (Sniper)
In the wake of the Stallman-related drama, there is yet more "cancel culture" SJW Linux-infestation occurring, this time regarding a guy who offered to sit down and have a coffee chat with someone who was upset with him for asking people to be calm.

Not kidding.

In response to his proposing an adult conversation, the person-- someone named "Kim Crayton"-- became completely unhinged, repeatedly telling him to go fuck himself.

I looked up this charming lady's Twitter feed, and she's quite literally a Marxist/Communist political agitator masquerading as some kind of techie. Her self-described job title is "CEO"-- "Chief Encouragement Officer" (lol)-- and she gives speeches on "Underrepresented and Marginalized in Tech". Oh boy.

I also found her Github page, and she's made zero commits in the entirety of 2019. Her repos are along the lines of "I did five minutes of a Coursera class on JavaScript five years ago." Basically all she does is go to conferences and give talks about "issues of diversity and inclusion in technology as a Community Engineer." That's like calling a garbage man a "sanitation engineer."

Less than 1% of programmers are black, and only 17% of programmers are women. Based on her toddler behavior and those statistics, I immediately assumed she was a total phony and rabble-rouser. But, I gave her the benefit of the doubt and did my digging... only to find I was correct. My intuition is usually spot-on, and so it proved again.

I wrote previously about the so-called "codes of conduct" at tech conferences these days, and here is a perfect example of someone losing their conference credentials and professional reputation for no good reason, while the nutjob issuing the F-bomb tirades is A-OK.

It's also yet another example of my "invasion of the hobby snatchers" post, where someone who isn't even interested in the area has infiltrated their way in for the express purpose of "social engineering" the group in accordance with their world view, from the inside-out.