The Exigent Duality
1984 - 10:40 CST, 12/05/17 (Sniper)
Remember back when I wrote about this crazy ass, Communist-front organization that a bunch of dim-witted, virtue-signalling CEOs were endorsing? Well, I ran across a second such group today.

They call themselves the "poor people's campaign". They say they want a "moral revival", based on "peace, love and harmony", and "equal protection under the law". Further: "This is not about left and right, Democrat or Republican but about right and wrong." Ok, great! So, no divisiveness, only unity and color-blindness. I can get behind that!

Oh, but what's this? "Poverty and economic equality cannot be understood apart from a society built on white supremacy". There is a picture of a black woman holding up a sign: "I demand a home for my family!" Another picture shows a crowd of people holding up signs about demanding some arbitrary wage ($15 an hour, bruh!) by force, organizing for "voter turnout" (vote Democrat), and so on.

The organization has a guy with a title: Truth Commissioner! His name is "Bob Zellner". I looked up his Twitter feed. He is a 74 year-old, Alinsky-style "community organizer". His entire Twitter feed is filled with anti-white racism, anti-Republican propaganda, yet curiously devoid of any facts or logic. He even literally says that he wants to "end Capitalism".

The economic illiteracy with this group is astonishing too: "why are there poor people in a rich country??" It reminds me of Martin Luther King Jr: "Why do people have to pay for water when it's 98% of the Earth??" Uh, that's salt water, dip shit.

The groups says that they want to "save our democracy". Translation: "We want to get as many people to vote for Democrats who will steal from white people, and give those resources to black people", by instilling feelings of guilt in whites over slavery in America, which ended 154 years ago (and where many blacks were slaveowners as well). It's basically one big front for a Stalin-esque Russian model! Because that's worked so well everywhere it's been tried.

Peace, love, harmony, a moral revival, non-partisan... add "liars" to that list.

I read recently that pasty white, one-of-richest-men-alive, banker-financier-criminal hybrid mastermind George Soros has been donating billions of dollars to violent, racist organizations like "black lives matter". I would not be surprised if both the "CEO action" and "poor people's" groups were funded by him, with the sole intention of using "divide and conquer" strategies, so people like him can pick up the pieces.