The Exigent Duality
Revealing - 07:11 CST, 11/10/16 (Sniper)
It's always revealing when people use parental analogies to describe the State. Here is a fellow wishing that mommy and daddy-- Hitlery and Trump-- would stop fighting.

Ugh. Freud says "hello". This strongly relates to a post I made last year, wherein I asked why people are "so eager to follow".

Politicians are total strangers who usually live far away, both literally and figuratively; they have no idea who I am personally, and so they couldn't care less about me or my interests (they can't logically, because they don't even know I exist); they tend to have strong psychopathic and totalitarian streaks; they enact "laws" that violate the natural rights of millions of people, and they enforce them through violence and intimidation; there are thousands of years of history of politicians using manipulation and fraud to lure people to their own doom.

All of those statements aren't my opinion; rather, they are demonstrable facts. A healthy perspective regarding these people is that they and their influence should be avoided at all costs, and that they should be viewed somewhere on the spectrum between prudent distrust and outright contempt.

Instead, I routinely see people treating politicians with crazily unfounded reverence, or even-- as in the example above-- equating them to their own parents! It's the perspective of a sick and troubled person-- and there are a lot of such people out there.