The Exigent Duality
Useful Idiots and Propagandists - 11:19 CST, 10/07/24 (Sniper)
Once in awhile I'll read "The Video Game Critic" reviews such as this one. He's one of the only other people I know on the entire web who runs a review site like mine. His forum is often pretty cringey-- they are Gen X'ers like myself, but are deeply out of touch with both gaming news and the broader culture-at-large: "Did you hear they made dis here new video game?", like four years after it came out.

The good news is that the Critic himself is finally-- seven or eight years later, but better late than never-- caught up to Cultural Marxism, and in fact he calls it out in the aforelinked review. Several members of his forum were butthurt about it, but I say good for him! Of course, those butthurt forum members can only come back with: "Hurr, Critic doesn't like black people in games!"

As a refresher:

  • "There are two groups of people who generalize son: those who do, and those who don't." Like the joke, Karl Marx broke all of humanity down into the "proletariat" and the "bourgeoisie". You're one or the other. The latter oppresses the former.

  • He predicted that the "capitalist"-- as he called them-- countries would collapse, and the Communist ones would thrive. Why? Because in the former, the downtrodden workers would overthrow the hideous property owners.

  • Instead, the complete opposite happened: the Communist countries were such destitute shitholes that they had to put walls around them to keep people in-- whereas the average worker in the "capitalist" countries became wildly rich by almost any historical standard.

  • Some Jewish eggheads at the Frankfurt School researched this in the 1920s. Their conclusion wasn't that Marx's over-generalized model was too simple to be useful: rather, they doubled down! You see, men oppress; Christians oppress; heteroxexuals oppress; white people oppress; and so forth. Hence the birth of "intersectionality".

  • Hitler caught on to what these nefarious eggheads were up to, and wisely ejected them from Germany in the 30's. They wound up in America, in New York City-- lucky us.

  • According to their model, your worth as a human being is calculated by how many "victimhood" points you have. Forget your specific life experiences, that doesn't matter: what matters is how many boxes you tick. Just like with Marx, an entire human being can be distilled down into a tiny handful superficial attributes, which then drive the legal code, hiring practices, access to health care, and so forth.

  • If you're a black Muslim lesbian in a wheelchair, you should have more "representation", more legal rights, have more financial freebies given to you, have access to the better schools, get first dibs on the best jobs and promotions, at the literal expense of a, let's say, straight white dude. Meritocracy is thus replaced, as is the hard-fought "Martin Luther King Jr." Civil Rights progress which is tossed out the window-- they were actively trying to repeal all of that in California.

  • This is why black people dominate commercials, video games, and so forth despite being less than thirteen percent of the population. Watching TV in America is like watching TV in Zimbabwe at this point. It's why the "independent boss womyn" characters dominate gaming now.

  • The reason the female characters are being uglified is because Cultural Marxists want to subvert what they call the "male gaze": "heteronormativity", as they call normal pro-creative human sexuality, is "oppressive" therefore anything which a straight man might like should be removed, including attractive female characters.

  • If you object to this hateful and utterly illiberal ideology and its racism and sexism, you are told "you just don't like black people", or "you just don't like women". "Gee, too many black people for you, eh Critic?!?! It's dat right-wing garbage, eh Critic?!"

  • The people who say "you don't like black people": actively support this bizarre cult-like dogma; OR, are clueless zombies who literally don't "get it"; OR are weak-knee'd and pretend to support it so they can fit in with their social groups.