The Exigent Duality
End Times Dream - 06:31 CST, 9/04/24 (Sniper)
Two nights ago I didn't sleep at all-- I had a mix-up with the psychiatrist regarding a renewal for my Lunesta prescription. Last night, then, I slept very oddly and had the rare occurrence of actually remembering one of my dreams.

Huge volcanic calderas had opened up all over Earth, creating massive molten rivers, and giant sinkholes were consuming entire neighborhoods. Weirdly, I was living in a home in the upscale area where my mother currently resides, and where I lived during high school over two decades ago. The sky was yellow, the air was very warm. Lava had completely encircled the area, and we were trapped. There was no electricity, and the internet access was gone. I looked at my wife and said, "That's the end of the internet, for good-- and maybe everything else too."

Weirdly, instead of mass looting the tragedy brought out the best in everyone. The UN was flying helicopters in to rescue those of us who were stranded in the zone. Each person was allowed to bring one medium-sized box of belongings. They were using the parking lot of the Target near us as a make-shift loading area and helipad. I had my GR86 in the dream, and it had some gas left in the tank. My wife drove us to the aforementioned parking lot so we could fill out some paperwork prior to the helicopters arriving.

On the ride there everyone was outside of their homes, packing up boxes, possessions strewn over lawns and driveways. Tree branches were down everywhere, leaves scattered all over the road. There was a sense of calm as the neighbors prepared. The yellow sky and the still in the air was remarkable. Like a lot of suburbs, the road was curvy, and my wife deftly wove the car through the area-- driving a bit fast. The neighborhood looked like one giant refugee camp, as people prepared to leave everything behind, forever, to eventually be swallowed up by sinkholes.

We arrived at the parking lot. Some makeshift buildings had been erected. There was a line around one of those metal, hastily put-up structures. Everyone was calm, parents were holding children. We'd left our kids behind at the house for the moment, it was strongly implied to me that someone-- my mom?-- was back there with them. We'd make a separate trip in the very imminent future with everyone, to actually board one of the helicopters.

Again, the tragedy brought the best out of everyone. People in the line were orderly, and the UN workers were calm and efficient. Everyone could sense that this was probably the end of everything on Earth, and had made peace with the idea. And that's about when I woke up. The dream was real End Times kind of stuff: super vivid, right down to minute details.