The Exigent Duality
Fasting and Blackrock - 07:14 CST, 9/02/24 (Sniper)
Today is a day of fasting for me: I've been trying to watch my eating, but on Saturday I was fed at a large party hosted at their farm by some good friends of ours nearby, then last night my father-in-law made one of everyone's-- myself included-- favorite meals, and I overate on that too.

Three masses for me this week: one at a church a half hour drive away tomorrow in the most beautiful area of Minnesota that I've seen, to get our home school group blessed; then on Saturday I am Sacristan and Lector for our adoration-oriented First Saturday Mass; and then on Sunday I am once again Sacristan for the ordinary Mass.

Switching gears to gaming, here is the most recent Steam Deck most-played list. For my part I've gotten back into "No Man's Sky", it runs extremely well on the Deck-- 800p, all "High" settings, frame rate capped at thirty-four frames per second, FSR set to "Balanced", and is totally stable. You need to make a lot of image quality sacrifices with the Deck, but not nearly as many as on the Switch, that's for sure.

Here is a video of RFK Jr. discussing the Ukraine War and Blackrock. No wonder his father and uncle were assassinated, it takes real guts to say this stuff out loud. Finally, here is Eric Peters talking about inflation, and how to gauge the drop in our standard of living. It reminds me of this recent blog post I wrote.