The Exigent Duality
Acting Like a Baby - 13:09 CST, 8/30/24 (Sniper)
My father-in-law had a big temper tantrum today because he had to drive my mother-in-law's Subaru Forester back to the bugout house from his Murderapolis home. "Grrrr, it's not a truck! I hate this thing!" Meanwhile, trucks are the worst-driving vehicles on the road, and it isn't even close:

  • Only twenty percent of their weight is over the driving axle, so they have no grip or balance.

  • They have super light spring setups, so they wobble all over the place, further diminishing what little grip they have.

  • They have an ultra high center-of-gravity, so they constantly feel like they are going to fly off the road.

The only thing they are good for is if you own a business where you need to haul stuff-- and even then, they are best driven only when the need absolutely presents itself; I couldn't imagine using one as a daily driver. I'd rather drive a school bus than a pickup truck.

That's not to say my mother-in-law's Forester is a great driving vehicle either: it too is tall, and has a horrible spring setup. Plus it has every nanny nag system in existence. But that's beside the point, since those weren't the issues being taken up.

And setting all of that aside, would it absolutely kill him to just do someone a favor for once? Favors from narcissists are like holy water to vampires.