The Exigent Duality
From Storage - 15:55 CST, 7/26/24 (Sniper)
Inspired by these three pictures circa 2006, I snapped a few of the setups I have right now, in 2024. The first one shows the PlayStation 5 and my current PC.

This next one shows the Steam Deck running RetroArch to the Toshiba CRT via S-Video.

This next setup is one I just put together a couple of days ago: I pulled the N64, Dreamcast, and Super NES out of the mothballs, and started playing through the Dreamcast port of "Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver." By the way, I found an awesome way to capture CRT photos via the iPhone: use the "Live" photo feature, then in the "Photos" app you can select "Long Exposure" from the "Live" drop-down when viewing the relevant photo.

Finally and also from just a couple of days ago, I pulled all of the handhelds out of storage so I can actually enjoy them: