The Exigent Duality
Systems Failure - 11:10 CST, 7/19/24 (Sniper)
At the advice from the psychiatrist I see, I went back on Abilify starting yesterday-- boy does that stuff knock the anxiety out of me, because it puts a stop to the endless rumination and pointless circular thinking. But it also destroys my sleep, I was up almost all night, having difficulty functioning today. Overall I think being tired is much preferable to how I was feeling, but it will take its toll over time.

But enough about that, time to discuss the news.

I've been making fun of Windows and Microsoft since at least 1994, and my dad and I avoided Microsoft products as much as we could from 1989 to 1996. We did use DOS and Windows 3.x, but we ran this shell on top of Windows called "Object Desktop", which replaced the "Program Manager" and all the rest of the user interface, with something not too far off the modern UIs we have today. Then in 1994 we added dual-booting to OS/2 Warp, which was a phenomenal operating system. I also played around a lot with Slackware Linux in 1995 and beyond. It wasn't until mid-way 1996 that we finally, reluctantly shifted to Windows 95.

When Windows 95 came out, my friend Tim and I found a kids game at the local Egghead Software called "How Many Bugs in a Box"-- we took a copy of it, and put it on the Win95 shelf. We came back a week later, and the Egghead employees had left it! But even in those days of "Plug and Pray" and all the rest of it, if you told me hundreds of millions of Windows installations would simultaneously BSOD, grounding flights and taking down banks, I would have laughed. Yet here we are! I guess with the flights grounded at least we don't need to worry about landing gear falling off of woke Boeing's planes.

Speaking of failing systems, my daughter told me this morning that she has analog drift on her Switch Lite. Nintendo used to make brick-like hardware, but the Switch is one fragile piece of junk. In spite of that and provided it doesn't wind up being totally lame, she's all-in for "Switch 2" when that comes out next year. And with all of the money she's making in her new job, it'll just be a single-odd check for her to be able to buy her own!

Switching gears, I enjoyed Trump's RNC speech. Among many other things, let's make cars great again! He can get rid of those ridiculous "CAFE" mandates too, while he's at it. And speaking of Trump, that moment right after he was shot, and he stood up and raised his fist, was maybe the most authentically human thing I've ever seen in my life-- the look on his face, I knew I was watching history unfolding in real-time. In a weird way it reminded me of Lotito's look of surprise / relief / joy when Lulic scored that "uber derby" goal many years ago. Moments like that, you could almost bottle the emotion and the facial expression-- absolutely incredible.

While I'm on the subject of Lotito, here is some analysis on his leadership of the club. Not too shabby! It's what I've been saying all along-- he's done a really nice job running the club, growing it slowly and steadily. Even if I do wonder where the goals are going to come from, this Lazio team for next season could wind up being incredibly durable: best defense in the entire Lotito era, Rovella and Guendouzi in holding roles, Tchouana might wind up being one of those prolific French players, Noslin is a real handful for defenders, and so forth. We'll see!

Finally, we've got AI causing Google's "carbon emissions" to go way, way up, while the government is simultaneously seizing land from the little people on behalf of evil, trillion dollar, transhumanist tech corporations to build the transmission lines needed for the AI-powering data centers. Gotta' love AI.