The Exigent Duality
A Shame - 14:57 CST, 7/17/24 (Sniper)
This is an interesting read, and it's a real shame because Nightdive Studios does phenomenal work-- I really like their products. Unfortunately, their CEO appears to have implied that I should be shot because I vote for a different political party than he does. I guess it's not too surprising-- "Leftist" and "violence" are pretty much synonymous, going back hundreds of years.

In other news, I was pleased to see this-- "DIE" experiencing its death throes I think.

Not much else to report. My daughter had her first day of work yesterday, working the cash register, and it went phenomenally! So that's great news. I'm still in a pretty bad funk, this is the worst period of my life unfortunately, and that includes the time window when my father was arrested. I'm trying to just focus on what I can control versus what I can't, but it's a challenge.

I might just force myself to pick up a new game to play-- like installing DOSBox on my PC and trying some title I've never played before. It doesn't sound like fun, but it might get my mind off things.