The Exigent Duality
Strange World - 09:40 CST, 7/13/24 (Sniper)
Here is an article which talks about how small businesses are combating ever-increasing costs. The most interesting thing in it though was mentioned almost as an aside: this one dude makes wooden, painted American flags-- he noticed his ad spend wasn't producing, and after some digging he found out his ads were being "shadow banned" by Google. For making American flags!

Incidentally, always make sure to use the Shadow Stats inflation numbers, not the ones you read in articles such as the above.

I've been (unhealthily) nostalgic lately, and part of that has been a new-found habit of watching old Computer Chronicles episodes. Skip to this point-- a poll in freaking 1995 asking if car companies should be forced by the government to make "EeeVees"! 1995! So this push has been going on for a lot longer than I'd thought.

Changing subjects, I thought the commentary in this last minute-or-so of this Vee video was brilliant. I've transcribed it here, bold emphasis is mine:

"Ok, so he's [Biden] aware, he understands the questions... so that is the bar, that is the requirement for someone to be President now? You don't want a President, you want a manager. You just want someone to manage the country, and you don't even believe it's a nation, you believe it's just an economic zone where transactions happen, and the Democratic Party is just performing wealth extraction. They're just extracting the wealth from people and spreading it among their special interest groups. This is the type of country you want.

Apparently if you're part of a special interest group then that's great, right? The more power to you. But if you're part of someone who is actually hard working and your wealth is being extracted, well I don't know how you feel about this-- probably not so well."

Part of why I've been so nostalgic is just because of how upside down everything in the world is right now. Check this out: car companies deliberately killing models which sell, for models which don't. It's like they don't want to make money.