The Exigent Duality
Dog Day Sunrise - 05:35 CST, 11/07/21 (Sniper)
Want to hear an astonishing song? Listen, and read along.

This is hilarious. I attended an Elasticsearch-related "conference" a few weeks ago, and could have written this comment, about that:

"I caught a couple of presentations before I had to stop and throw up. Very immature participants saying 'hi from bfe', like I care as the hi messages drowned out any valuable comments. Attendees mindlessly clicking on heart and thumbs up emojis... Are we all 10?"

I also chuckled at this comment:

"They may have been doing this for blind people....who don't have any idea what a blonde woman looks like. Isn't that insensitive? Wonder if they will get sued for micro aggressions?"

This so-called "accessibility" stuff is pure virtue signaling. Applying it to myself, if I were blind I just wouldn't use computers or play video games. I'd find one of a million other things to do. Just like how I'm not seven feet tall, and don't insist that the NBA be more "accessible". Or how I don't have a 140 IQ, and don't insist that Mensa be more "accessible". Or how I'm not a woman, so I don't insist Victoria's Secret modeling become more "accessible".

The "native lands" thing is even funnier. American Indian societies were pretty barbaric. The only difference between them and the Europeans is that the Europeans were better at battle. Higher IQs meant ocean-faring ships, and firearms. Besides, other hominids had the land before the American Indians-- how far back do we want to go here?

Not sure what to do this morning. Mass isn't until 8:30.

I've been on a tear with reviews, rifling through all of the "Castlevania" games in chronological order. But I'm getting a little burnt out on them. Visual Studio 2022 comes out tomorrow, so I'll be installing that. One of the perks of working for my employer is that I have an enterprise MSDN license-- they encourage us to make use of the keys privately, for learning and career purposes. I will be refreshing some of my skills.

"Forza Horizon 5" comes out on Tuesday. My son and I installed it on his PC and the Series X, so we can play together online. My son's Ryzen 1600 and RTX 2060 are still remarkably capable. I fired up "Flight Simulator" on it yesterday, and even with most of the graphical options cranked way up, the game was butter smooth. So I'm sure "Horizon 5" will look and play amazing for him. He sure loves his driving games.

The addition on the house is coming along. It's all closed in, with windows and the sliding deck doors. It's all shingled. The view out the windows is incredible: overlooking the fields, and the sunrise. The space is quite large, and the vaulted ceiling I insisted on makes it feel very airy. They will be putting the siding on next week. Then it will be HVAC, plumber, foaming, and finally interior finishing. Probably won't be livable until spring. I can't wait to have my new room.