The Exigent Duality
Fuze in Bed - 07:20 CST, 3/12/21 (Sniper)
Superb article here, making materially the same WuFlu-related points I've been arguing on this blog, but put together into a single, concise format.

I read today that Italy are going to "lock down" over Easter, because of "mutant strains"-- which is another point I've been making: if these are the precedents, then what about "WuFlu-20", "WuFlu-21", and so on? Can you imagine if CNN had a giant ticker, tracking the common cold and all of its variants-- "oh my gosh, a spike in 'cases'!" It would never end!

On another note, I was reading about the Southern border today: one agent made a self-acknowledged low-ball estimate of one hundred thousand people having come across, just in one month! So much for the Southern US demographically and politically: better to stay in Minnesota.

But enough of that: I haven't been writing here much because after work each day, I've been heads-down pounding away at my competition entry:

I have the engine put together, and it's so organized and clean compared to the "Skatey-Cat" codebase. The latest Fuze patch hit yesterday, and the new search features let you jump between functions just like in a modern IDE-- one day in, and it's already revelatory.

Now I'm shifting into the actual game building portion, such as drawing art. I bought a copy of Fuze for my daughter's Switch Lite, so we can work in parallel-- she is hopefully going to provide all of the character art, although her life is quite busy with activities and school work as well.

Finally, on an off topic note and as a continuation from this post, my son and I did write the Python program mentioned, I just need to post it on GitHub so I can link to it. I also installed "Mediawiki for my son, wherein he has been dutifully documenting solar systems from known space.