The Exigent Duality
Moment of Clarity - 08:24 CST, 2/08/21 (Sniper)
This is an excellent article, pointing out the inconsistent application of the so-called "stakeholder theory" of "capitalism": specifically, "society" is a stakeholder if it would mean an increase in power for the billionaire class, while "society" is not in the inverse. In fact-- and I'm planning to write a full post exploring this idea in greater detail-- the entire rift in the former-United States is class-based.

In other words, this Frankfurt School nonsense, the so-called "gender theories" and "rainbow people" push, the "safe spaces" and coloring books, so-called "Black Lives Matter", and all the rest are distractions intended to set the peasants against each other. Put another way: the "Occupy Wall Street" diagnosis was absolutely correct, even if their Commmunistic prescriptions would exacerbate the problem one hundred fold.

I was somewhat blind to this until I saw the entire establishment circle the wagons to protect the hedge funds during the "Wall Street Bets" incident.

Another topic worthy of its own post is how the establishment-- via "Time Magazine"-- has just admitted everything I said about "the selection" the day after it happened: they confessed to all aspects of it, even describing it in similar terms to my own-- but then spun it as a "fortification" of the process, and a true "Democratic" moment, versus the fraud, scandal, and "social contract"-terminating event it was.