The Exigent Duality
Bang On - 20:39 CST, 2/04/21 (Sniper)
I know I've been writing a lot about "Turrican" lately due to the Switch collection having just come out, but I haven't been this excited by a series of games in ages: these would have been "Wolfenstein 3D -> Doom -> Quake"-caliber for me, had I owned an Amiga at that time.

I just finished beating the first game a second time, then started in on its sequel-- holy toledo! I've heard it described as one of the best action platformers of all time, and I am absolutely understanding that praise.

And just listen to the music! The video game industry had a lot of "Mozarts" in its golden age-- Yuzo Koshiro, Nobuo Uematsu, Rob Hubbard, Hiroshi Kawaguchi, and many more-- but this Huelsbeck fellow might be the most sophisticated of them all, particularly in the area of key changes, where he is king without a doubt.

It would be incredible if more Amiga-related software could be re-released. How about a "The Bitmap Brothers" collection next, with the "Xenon" and "Speedball" titles?