The Exigent Duality
Turrican Flashback - 15:23 CST, 1/29/21 (Sniper)
My preferences are ordinarily a contrarian indicator for where products are headed, but in this case it's like they read my mind: if you would have asked, "Sniper, name one old game series for which you'd want a collection", I would have replied "Turrican".

"Ask and ye shall receive."

I've always wanted to play this series, and have on several occasions come close to braving the odyssey of trying to get one or both games running on my Atari ST-- but now, no longer necessary.

This gives me an excuse to turn on the Switch for the first time in like three weeks. Incidentally, I haven't turned my PlayStation 5 on in almost as long: been hooked on Sega CD's "Lunar: The Silver Star", and my Retroarch CRT setup in general.