The Exigent Duality
Two Sides of the Same Coin - 16:16 CST, 1/12/21 (Sniper)
I started discussing this idea in my previous post where I talked about the Right's love of "democracy", but I've just encountered the problem again. Tucker: "we're in favor of law and order: break the law, go to jail." In other words, "refuse to return an escaped slave, go to jail."

This is why I've always had such a hard time with Conservatives: we agree on so many things, but I always get this vibe from them that they are, at heart, as despotic as the Left-- they want different man-made laws than the Left sure, but are just as ready to enforce those pseudo-arbitrary mandates at gun-point as their Commie second cousins are.

In other words, we sometimes agree coincidentally.

I hate to quibble or sound pedantic with people who should be my allies, but I'm finding that in this moment in time, this "quibble" is becoming such a serious problem that I fundamentally can't trust these people, when push comes to shove, any more than I could an Antifa member: fundamentally, intellectually, morally, many-- most-- Conservatives don't "get it".

It's Allen West kicking his deputy out because the latter cited the "Declaration of Independence."

I've been harping on Libertarian principle for years-- just check out the editorials page-- in preparation for just a moment as this. Those principles are everything: cargo cultism won't cut the muster, because then you're combating "Authoritarianism Major" with "Authoritarianism Lite", and at the end of that day you've still no discernible rubric for determining right from wrong.

Man-made laws are just that: man made. Men aren't gods! No amount of voting can magically give someone the authority to boss someone else around, unless a contract has been voluntarily entered into by both parties. Authority has to be derived from somewhere: it doesn't arrive from thin air, just because you and ten of your buddies say so! As soon as you say "law and order", you're tossing the same magical unicorn fairy dust into the air that Communists do.

In fact, even in his own segment, he quotes the Left throwing his own words right back at him! "We support 'rule of law'." Fundamentally, what's the difference between his view, and theirs? They just have different subjective sensibilities which are getting offended, not any fundamental moral view disagreement of how the world should work.

I appreciate Tucker bringing this censorship stuff to the masses. But if push really came to shove, I know he'd throw me and others like me off the cliff as soon as possible. "Can't have any pseudo-arbitrary, man-made rule breaking! Gotta' have 'rule of law'! Better to go to the gulag than have perfectly ethical civil disobedience, if it means committing a crime!"