The Exigent Duality
On the Ground, In the Balance - 14:10 CST, 1/12/21 (Sniper)
I have ears on the ground in one of my home state of Minnesota's largest, multi-billion dollar corporations, and every so often I hear things which may interest my readers.

The CEO there parrots whatever propaganda is being fed to him by CNN, so he's a useful conduit into the mainstream Leftist thought. Apparently today he was asked about his thoughts regarding the "capitol riots", and gave a three-pronged response:

  • Orange man bad: He claimed that Donald Trump called for his supporters to "fight on the steps of the capitol", and that the capitol is the "center of Democracy". Of course, this CEO is conflating quotes from two different people: Ted Cruz said that he would "fight on the floor of Congress" to get an election audit, while Donald Trump said that it was his supporter's rights as Americans to "protest at the capitol". So this CEO had roughly the right words-- albeit not sure where he got "steps" from-- but jumbled them into an imaginary salad, then mis-attributed the made-up quote, to validate his pre-existing world view. Of course, if you doubt me just look at why Twitter banned Trump, roughly: "some people are interpreting his words to be a call to violence", not because Trump actually called for violence.

  • Racismus: Taking the reality of the past twelve months and quite literally turning it completely upside down, claimed that there was a double standard between the capitol protestors and "Black Lives Matter", against "Black Lives Matter"! You can't make this stuff up. "You see, black people were stopped at a monument by police in riot gear, whereas a bunch of white people were allowed to walk into the capitol!" These mind-bending mental gymnastics bring to mind that old quote: "Who do you believe: me, or your own eyes?"

  • Inclusivity: "We need to be mindful that employees will have different opinions about this, so we need to stay respectful to each other." Then you realize that he's referring to the Leftist employees at the company, who are of course repressed despite having control of the entire executive leadership, the entire HR department, the backing of the CIA and FBI, every single media company, every single multi-billion dollar corporation, every supra-national organization, and so forth.

The head of the company's HR department was then asked whether the company would mandate vaccines to its employees. I know I have readers who are curious in which direction this aspect of American society will go. She replied to the effect of: "Oh no, no, we wouldn't mandate that employees get it! However, we are in very close contact with local governments, who may mandate it." She also lamented the fact that it was governments, and not corporations like hers, who were in charge of distributing the vaccines. Then the CEO chimed in: "I would encourage everyone to get it. My mom got it! My son got it! Now, I'm not going to skip in line, but I'll get it when it's offered to me. It's a personal choice, but I'm leading by example."

Finally, an anecdote that's so pathetic it's sad, and so sad that it's pathetic: they had a quote from a female employee who said, "I have no children and live alone, so work is my only connection to other people. The 'pandemic' has been really hard on me." This is exactly what Feminists and Leftists have been pushing for, for decades: family is bad, getting married is submitting to the patriarchy, having children will interfere with your career, and so forth. So yes, now there are good little empowered independent strong womyn corporate serfs, wearing their WuFlu Muzzles, getting shot up with experimental vaccines, and whose only point of existing is their connection to a multi-billion dollar corporation.

The good news in all of this, and changing gears a bit, is that I have found something about which the Left and Right agree: bi-partisan consensus! I've been watching the "John Ross" videos, such as this; one, and while I think the humor is hilarious and I agree with many of the points made, this worship of "Democracy" is something I'm hearing from radical Leftists, like the above corporation's "I'm the 1%" CEO, and "Constitutionalist Conservatives" like John Burk, who says wistfully that "Democracy is in the balance!"

Let's say you live in a household with your parents, and you plus your mom think your dad doesn't clean up after himself enough in the kitchen. So, you plus your mom put it to a vote, and your dad is two-to-one barred from ever using the kitchen again. Do you think your dad is going to walk away from that situation harboring major resentment, or will he just shrug and say "Oh well, Democracy has spoken!"

In any setting, voting should be the absolute last resort to resolving a conflict: it's the nuclear option! Because even if the vote is properly counted, whomever winds up being the sheep voted against by the two wolves is going to walk away embittered. But instead of treating voting as a sort of quasi-violence-- "too bad, we'll just out-vote you, nyah nyah!"-- it's treated as a first principle by the Left and Right both! It's really bizarre that I'm one of the only people who seems to notice this totally obvious reality.