The Exigent Duality
Maybe the Left Has the Right Idea - 18:59 CST, 1/06/21 (Sniper)
A true patriot, in Nancy Pelosi's office:

Another good thing which came out of today: now we get to see who are the good guys, and who should go choke on whatever dick they're sucking. Let's make some lists.

On the latter list: Turtleman for too many myriad reasons to enumerate, and the pirate "Dan Crenshaw", who was on Fox saying how upset he was that people got into the capitol building-- sniffle!-- and how the people who work there "aren't the enemy." Tell me then Danny old boy, who is the enemy? Apparently his wisdom is as good as his depth perception.

And back to Mike Pence: his official statement is essentially an exercise of the scientific method. "We have a legal process for these things." He's implicitly saying, "I believe the election was stolen, my hypothesis is that the legal process will sort it out."

Ok, great! Let's see how that goes! And what if it doesn't work, little Mikey? I can already tell you it won't. What then? Will you create a new hypothesis since your theory was proven wrong? Or are you being paid off by the CCP like Creepy Bejing Biden?