The Exigent Duality
The World - 07:10 CST, 12/28/20 (Sniper)
This article is nominally about the guy who tried to blow up the AT&T building in Nashville, but lets slip this definition of "domestic terrorism". Sound a little like a couple of your friendly neighborhood Leftist groups?

"[The violent act] has to be tied to an ideology; is the use of force or violence in the furtherance of a political social ideology or bent?"

I also found this article to be an interesting recounting of the WuFlu nonsense of the past year. One of the comments nails what this is really about:

"Great Reset demands economic ruin to pick up the assets for peanuts and it works. Zuckerberg after first 3 months: from 54 billion to 84 billion, Bezos from around 110 to 155 or so, Bill Gates a bit less than 10 billion per month, but will catch up with vaccine scam."