The Exigent Duality
Ten Minutes - 07:54 CST, 10/23/20 (Sniper)
I made it about three questions into the "debate" last night before I stopped watching and read more Kafka-- "The Castle" is immense so far, incidentally, I'll do an entire Kafka post at some point in the future.

Of course, topico numero uno for the fear mongering media was the WuFlu. All I personally want is a guarantee of no national face diaper or vaccine mandate-- one simple yes or no question, and I couldn't care less about the topic otherwise.

Instead, I got stuff like this: Trump pointed out the ninety nine-plus percent survival, and the "moderator" couldn't help herself: "The CDC says young people can get sick from it too."

The young "can" also get hurt or killed by falling space junk, or run over by a stampede of wild elephants in the middle of Times Square. It was at that point I realized the feed would be a waste of my time, and I closed the window.

The other issue with the way the WuFlu topic is framed, is that-- thanks to the aforementioned fear mongering media-- massive segments of the population are walking around thinking the virus is the second coming of the Bubonic Plague.

So even Trump himself-- who I'm sure in a private moment would one hundred percent agree with me-- has to engage in all of these absurd claims and theatrics: "Don't worry, we'll have a vaccine in ten minutes!", while pretending that two hundred thousand deaths in a country of three hundred and fifty million is some kind of big deal, when most of those two hundred thousand people would probably have died anyway judging by the median age of the deaths almost matching the median age of death period.

Not to mention however many tens or hundreds of thousands increase in suicides, drug overdoses, or depression-related deaths, due to the government's reaction to the WuFlu-- a reaction Creepy Joe would only want to double down on.

But point any of that out, and you get an immediate pushback onto the defensive ("why won't you wear a face diaper?"), even though the burden of proof should be on the irrational side ("why the hell are you wearing a face diaper?") acting like Michael Jackson, and wanting to force millions of people to live in their basements in bubble wrap, unemployed and starving to death.

On that note, not one single freaking person wears masks in the bug out house area. For the first time since Minnesota's governor put in his "mandate", I was able to go into an actual building which wasn't my own house, to pick up food at a restaurant: whole place full of staff and customers, not one face diaper to be seen anywhere! In confidence, I quietly thanked the waitress in just specific enough terms for her to get what I was referring to-- she just gave me a wink and a smile.

Not only that, but every contractor I met with enthusiastically shook hands with me, with no hesitation. It felt like normal life had returned! Until I got back to Murderapolis again, and saw people with speedos strapped to their faces while driving in their cars by themselves.

Speaking of Minnesota's governor, it's hilarious to hear him try to side with the same mob which will basically lynch him if the heart attack-stricken "George Floyd"-related trial doesn't go the rioters' way: "Uh, don't worry people, this is a great step for, uh, justice!", as the totally unhinged Lefties stand around with their torches and pitchforks.

Well, not pitchforks-- that would imply these people know how to farm, or do anything else productive... maybe, Molotovs and soy-latte Frappuccinos? I also wonder if these Democrats-- also recall the soyboy tight jeans Minneapolis mayor getting unceremoniously, summarily, and hilariously dismissed by a mob-- get cognitive dissonance, or like they are trying to harness the devil's energy, which is more likely to harm themselves than their political opponents?