The Exigent Duality
Moolah - 15:21 CST, 7/16/20 (Sniper)
Hah, this is easy for Phil Spencer to say: his entire business model is getting people onto "Game Pass"-- to him, it doesn't matter if people buy the "Series X" or just keep playing on their PCs. But with this kind of quote, he puts Sony into a bit of a corner, because they'll look petty for wanting everyone to buy "their piece of plastic". Very clever bit of politics, in this microcosmic little video game world.

I just had my annual performance review. I've always done well on those, but this year's might be my best-ever-- which means my bonus is positively ridiculous. I can't tell you why exactly, but I've been eyeing up one of these: I may just buy one when they come out, and then wifey will be the enthusiastic recipient of my still-superb "Samsung Galaxy S8+" from a few years ago.