The Exigent Duality
Cojones - 06:33 CST, 7/02/20 (Sniper)
Eric Peters points out a potentially hilarious upcoming situation in this blog post: will we see fourth of July celebrators wearing face diapers?

Like so many things, this rampant conformity is an effect of dropping testosterone levels in men-- forty percent, in forty years: evolution and biology tended and tend to make women tribal and collectivistic, because they spent almost their entire lives-- for hundreds of thousands of years, forty years old was elderly-- pregnant and nursing their young.

Men counterbalanced this by being territorial: after all, they needed to protect their game, otherwise the other males would take both it, and their mate to boot. But today, absent that masculine equilibrium, the whole country is slipping into collectivism, similar to countries like South Korea or Japan, where-- surprise, surprise-- the men are also very effeminate.

This is also why so many Millenial men are susceptible to Communism: it's very comforting to have a mommy and daddy take care of you, especially when your sense of self worth is low-- a key "low T" symptom. It's also why so many of them suffer from gender dysphoria, have very early male pattern baldness, and exhibit the submission-signaling "soy face".

Wifey and I were wondering the other day, if this drop continues, what men will look like in another ten or twenty years? One possibility is that they will grow breasts, and it will be a "new normal" for men to wear bras.

I've recently lamented the fact that other men-- and women too, if they're so inclined-- aren't backing me up in pushing back against this Cultural Marxism, anti-white tsunami which threatens to turn America into South Africa: almost everyone except for a precious few examples-- Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, and Nigel Farage among them-- finds it much easier to just submit.

There just aren't enough "cojones" anymore to dam up the tide.