The Exigent Duality
Cancel Culture - 16:05 CST, 6/29/20 (Sniper)
A mob illegally barged onto private property. Well within their rights, a husband and wife walked onto their lawns with firearms, telling the mob to "keep moving".

Just afterwards, domestic terrorism "Black Lives Matter" supporter and massive walking-cliche, pasty-white, no jawline soyboy "Kyle Dennis" instructed the mob with this, bold emphasis is mine:

"Someone identify these people. I don't know the area. Get an address. I'll help.

Sue them, ruin their businesses, help their employees sabotage their capital, call their kids, call their family members, call their country club-- use capitalism for the weapon it's designed to be."

Meanwhile, this guy owns a business. It's exactly the kind of company my own employer hires to tell all of us peons that we're racists pieces of shit.

In any event, I went to the web site and immediately found this, bold emphasis is mine once again:

"A white elephant is, 'a possession which its owner cannot dispose of and whose cost, particularly that of maintenance, is out of proportion to its usefulness.' Colonialism and plunder are the ultimate white elephants.

Also, there's an elephant in the room during every training program: white folks."

So, white people have outlived their usefulness... if we're taking turns, he can go first.

I also think it's funny that the guy is a "UX" designer. There isn't a single field within the computer industry about which I hold a lower opinion: just take a look at modern web sites, or an iPhone-- don't forget the barf bag.