The Exigent Duality
Banana Republic - 08:17 CST, 1/19/20 (Sniper)
The banks throw obscene amounts of money around to each other like it's confetti during a parade; aggregate it, and you get those "income inequality" charts.

First, consider how much money a billion dollars is. The banks, starting with the central banks, routinely conjure up and distribute hundreds of billions, sometimes on a monthly basis-- think "QE".

Second, this money isn't helicoptered to the average Joe-- rather, it's directly deposited into the accounts of their already-billionaire pals. For example, read this article, specifically the following (bold emphasis is mine):

"The Fed has yet to address the 'demand side' of the Sept repo crisis, namely the market transmission mechanism which is intermediated by hedge funds. And it is here that, as the WSJ reported, the Fed is currently contemplating providing liquidity directly to hedge funds to prevent a systemic collapse during the next repo crisis, whenever it may strike."