The Exigent Duality
Fake - 07:56 CST, 10/11/19 (Sniper)
I've noticed this same trend in my workplace; in security-related meetings or when conversation turns to "intellectual property theft", it's always "Russia" who are used as an example, despite the Russian economy being barely larger than Australia's or Mexico's.

One day, the "human resources" department released an infographic breaking down the employee base. To my total shock, twenty percent of the people working for my employer were based in China. Probably in plants, but I'm not certain.

Personally, I'm sick of the Chinese. At one point their central bank owned like twenty percent of their stock market; they've printed trillions of yuan building empty ghost cities; they're using their monopoly money to buy up football clubs like Inter Milan, which now has Chinese characters all over the San Siro.

As an American maybe I shouldn't be throwing stones from my glass house-- but China is the biggest bubble country ever.