The Exigent Duality
Lacking Mental Stability? - 08:58 CST, 9/29/19 (Sniper)
I normally don't bother with these "Leftist tech elites praising dystopian futures while blindly trusting tech companies despite mountains of evidence to the contrary" articles, but this one is so bizarre that I can't help but link to it. Enjoy!

In other news, I had the Switch port of Dragon Quest XI reserved for like six months, only for UPS to botch the package deliver-- Friday turned into Saturday, which has now turned into Tuesday. Grrrr.

Finally, Lazio completely dismantling Genoa at the moment. Such a fragile team: when the "big four" of Sergej, Alberto, Immobile, and Correa are all playing together the performances are great-- but as soon as even one of them is absent, the team disintegrates.