The Exigent Duality
The Weather - 07:51 CST, 9/23/19 (Sniper)
Want yet another dead give-away that the "global warming" hoax is just another form of Cultural Marxist-inspired social engineering? Notice how they guilt trip white people into not having kids, while not saying a peep about Africans or Muslims.

White culture birth rates at large aren't even at replacement levels. Whereas projections show sub-saharan African populations essentially taking over the world by 2030.

Even in my own family, between my wife's side and mine the five of us have only produced two grandchildren, both of which are mine-- not even close to replacement level.

To reinforce the true motivations of the "movement", Comrade Bernie says that if he became President of the USSA, he'd sign an executive order to carte blanche let all of those Africans and South Americans come into the country, unimpeded. Of course, that's to create a permanent voting bloc.