The Exigent Duality
Make like a Banana - 08:52 CST, 9/07/19 (Sniper)
Secession is a dirty word, and it shouldn't be. All it means are two-or-more people voluntarily going their own way, because their lives would mutually be better that way.

Take this Eric Peters article, for example: one part of the country wants to force their world vision on the other part, while simultaneously telling the victims that they aren't allowed to leave.

Or use these two vomit-inducing articles; how would everyone's lives not be better by simple saying "sayonara"? Thank goodness for home schooling, let's just say that.

The Federal Government already blows 5.4 trillion USD per year on who-knows-what. Why not buy some one-way tickets to California for Lefties who want pedophilia grooming for kids or the consumption of hamburgers to be a prisonable offense, or flights to Texas for Conservatives who just want to be left the hell alone?

Another take: Which is preferable-- secession, or civil war?