The Exigent Duality
Day Has Come - 09:09 CST, 8/28/19 (Sniper)
Inevitably, it has arrived in my back yard: my employer has been pushing so-called "unconscious bias training". I plan to do an entire blog post about the myriad of problems with it, but in a nutshell and just to set the stage, it works like this: "Did you know that you hate people with moles on their arms?", to which you of course respond confusedly, "...? What?". The response: "A-hah, see? It's so unconscious you don't even realize it!"

Funnily though, it only ever seems to work one way: it's always white men who have the "bias", even in situations where such a suggestion is patently absurd. Of course, this is because the Cultural Marxist theology says that white men are evil. Incidentally, wouldn't that be an example of conscious bias, by the by? But never mind!

As an example of this, my work place invited some white NBA player in to speak about how he needed to repent on bended knee at the SJW altar for having "unconscious bias" against black people-- despite having just been traded onto a team as the only white guy in an all-black squad! He wasn't just the "racial minority", but literally a member of one!

Interestingly, there is a significant perception that white men aren't good enough to play in the NBA. Why didn't my workplace trot out one of this fellow's black team mates, and examine his "bias"?

Of course, it's wrong to corral people up at random and call them racists without any kind of evidence. I'm merely pointing out the double standard.

Also to be fair, there are physiological reasons-- other than just height-- as to why black men are better at basketball on average. I can't remember the fellow's name, but there was a researcher who pointed out that the proportions of the bodies of black people, specifically to do with their legs and hips, typically lets them run faster, and jump higher. Cool! It's sort of like if you look at a cat: it's easy to see why they can leap many times their height.

There's nothing any more "racist" about pointing that out as an explanation of why there are so few white NBA players, as there is pointing out that black men typically aren't as smart as Asians on average, hence why fewer of them are Astrophysicists. Neither of those things are "bias"-- they are facts. But as I stated above, I'll write more on this topic at a later time.