The Exigent Duality
Different Places - 08:26 CST, 8/15/19 (Sniper)
Wifey is as hard-set as they come with regards to these so-called "red flag" gun restrictions, and recently made every one of these arguments to me, but derived all on her own. So it's interesting to see them in writing in an actual article! The point she emphasized the most was number seven.

Part of the reason Leftists and Conservatives are arguing about whether or not "white supremacy" is on the rise is because they are operating from different definitions. To a Conservative the term means "white people are superior to all other 'races' and should rule over them", which is a tiny set of people; to Leftists it essentially boils down to "anyone who says anything I disagree with", which is a much larger-- and growing!-- set.

Excellent Eric Peters article here regarding so-called "anthropogenic climate change" theory. I've also researched the topic, have written about it before, and arrived at many of the same conclusions.