The Exigent Duality
Can't Last - 10:43 CST, 8/07/19 (Sniper)
I'm always one for the "things are complicated", and "there are many gray areas", and "the real world is messy", and so forth. But sometimes I see something which makes me consider whether or not I'm overthinking a subject, and that the explanation really is pretty simple.

Recently, I've wondered whether the bias against hiring and promoting males in my workplace is a result of women simply expressing in-group preferences. Now, put these charts into play-- they clearly illustrate how women, who statistically vote for bigger government far more than do men, has resulted in a one-way flow of resources.

Personally, with the exception of one month when I was 22 years old, I've been employed in one-or-more-simultaneous-jobs contiguously since my 15th birthday, and other than my tax payer-subsidized "Stafford" student loans-- which were relatively miniscule since it was almost twenty years ago, and I went through the much-cheaper state college system to boot-- I've received zilch in terms of government freebies, yet have paid in some incredible amount in taxes, a sum which I don't even really want to think about. Not only that, but with the exception of a computer lab job in college, 100% of my work has been in the free market, with my value being the only thing maintaining my positions.

Even with the "greater than Middle Ages peasants-to-kings" levels of wealth confiscation-- I recently took home $5800 in cash out of a $10,400 work bonus (to be fair, there were 401k contributions in there too)-- my wages do support a very comfortable life style for my family. See? I'm fair and balanced. But on the flip side, as a strong introvert working in a stressful career for decades so I can subsidize abortions and single motherhood, and maybe even "free $1000 per month for people who won't work" if Trump loses in 2020, makes it very difficult to not pull an "Atlas Shrugged".

At some point this is all going to reach some kind of breaking point: a society where one half is pulling the wagon while the other half are sitting in it is not sustainable in the long run. On top of it, in Minnesota where I live, I found that 78% of people either work directly for the government, or for one of its cartels. If you factor that in, it's a tiny percentage of the population who is actually contributing the real, net productivity in the economy.