The Exigent Duality
Swirling - 08:29 CST, 7/29/19 (Sniper)
In spite of the absurdity of the story-oriented "let's get to know the softer side of BJ" approach-- a joke character of course named by Romero, whose name was literally "blow job"-- I enjoyed the first "Wolfenstein" remake: the art direction was really strong, it had fun gunplay, and the level designs gave the player flexibility as to how to approach each situation.

In the run-up to the second game, Bethesda was actively pushing pro-Antifa rhetoric in their advertising, clearly equating the actual, literal concentration camp, throwing Jews into ovens-styled Nazis in their games with Republicans who want lower taxes-- to the point where I suspect the game itself is possibly an analog for the 2020 presidential election: "kick the Nazis out of America!" Needless to say, I did not financially support the message by buying the game, though I may play it via my recently-acquired, free "Xbox Game Pass" subscription.

And now we get to the third game, and... I'll just let the video speak for itself. Notice the trajectory this series is taking?