The Exigent Duality
Men Under Attack - 08:47 CST, 7/28/19 (Sniper)
I find this sociological phenomenon of men becoming increasingly feminized to be absolutely fascinating in how pervasive it's becoming: almost every photo of a man I see these days looks like this, or this.

The first picture features the now-infamous "cuckface", while in the second one, just look at how soft and rounded the guy's features are! Incidentally, thirty seconds perusing his post history on Reddit reveals that he's in his 20s and still lives with his parents.

When experimentally controlled and analyzed over decades, it's been found that apples-to-apples testosterone levels in the average man are falling over one percent per year! Low testosterone in men leads to things like excessive fatigue, a feeling of weakness, depression, lost sex drive, and more.

Then on top of it, you've got popular media demonizing men as "toxic"-- while simultaneously ignoring feminine toxicity, which is rampant these days-- and specifically designing all of their films, video games, and television shows with the explicit, sole purpose of expressing how superior women are to men. When young men are already struggling with confidence and a sense of self-worth, this media corruption can't be helping.