The Exigent Duality
Not Rooted In Fact - 08:28 CST, 7/01/19 (Sniper)
It's very strange that I still come across people occasionally saying how much they "hate" or "don't trust" their ISP, while not even mentioning Google, Facebook, or Twitter.

I've been a Comcast cable modem customer for fifteen years on the trot, and their service is great: basically zero downtime in that entire stretch. The prices aren't bad either for the amount of bandwidth you get. At the bug out house, I have aDSL through the local telco, and same deal there. But the content provider sites, like the ones aforementioned? Talk about evil!

Based on real-world events-- not totally imagined fears-- ISPs rank on my "concerns" list at about the same level as the furniture store which sold me my desk.