The Exigent Duality
One More Time - 20:39 CST, 5/29/19 (Sniper)
I know I've written about "abortion" (nice euphemism, lulz) before, but I just overheard an argument about it, so I figured I'd re-iterate my take for posterity's sake.

Pro-"abortion" arguments are always made on the basis of property rights: "it's the woman's body, so she gets to use lethal force to expel the interloper at any time of her chosing." But that doesn't stand to reason to me.

If a person with Down Syndrome accidentally stumbles into your house and passes out on the floor, you can't just club the poor fellow's skull in with a baseball bat. Call the cops, wait for them to show up, and have the person removed. Ditto for abortion: just have the baby, and put it up for adoption. Using lethal force unnecessarily is quite literally murder, and should be illegal.

But it's even worse, since the vast majority of abortions are not performed when the mom's life is in danger, or even because she was raped. Most of the time, she voluntarily let someone cum in her, and then wants to murder the baby. That's like inviting the Down Syndrome person in, and then clubbing them to death.

If the Down Syndrome person is about to accidentally knock you into a pit of lava, then fine you can kill them to save yourself if absolutely necessary. But other than saving the mom's life, "abortion" is categorically murder, and should be illegal across the board (delegation of self defense to the State).