The Exigent Duality
Popcorn Time - 17:48 CST, 5/29/19 (Sniper)
I'll be curious to see if Robert Mueller just handed Trump the next election.

Say what you will about Skeletor, but she knows another two years of witch hunt nonsense, which will inevitably end in failure since the Republicans control the Senate, is going to alienate more people from the Democrats, than endear them. That's why she's been so firm in trying to steer her comrades away from the impeachment path.

Besides that, it's zero sum: every moment the Democrats spend building a "platform to nowhere"-- kind of like their "infrastructure" projects incidentally-- is a moment which can't be spent building an actual policy platform, palatable to the average American.

But now thanks to Mueller, Skeletor and Chucky are on the hot seat to drive impeachment proceedings, even if it carries the whole party-- carriages and all-- right off the cliff into oblivion.