The Exigent Duality
Way Ahead - 14:24 CST, 5/24/19 (Sniper)
Earlier this week, we had "3rd grader" Henrietta do one of her twice-per-year standardized tests, which we issue to make sure she's tracking. In a test which ranks all the way up through the 12th grade in their charts, she scored in the 69th percentile in reading, and the 76th percentile in math-- putting her at "5th grade fall" and "4th grade spring" levels, respectively.

Not only is she a very bright kid, but this is also a huge affirmation of home schooling. In fact, the whole setup in our house feels so natural that I actually forget it's not "normal", and that other kids go to an actual "school"! If anything is unnatural, it's being bused off en masse to a prison camp to "learn". What a bizarre arrangement!